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Fine stockings

Fine stockings

Exclusive yarns from Italian manufacturers, carefully selected from the finest fibers in the world and skillfully processed to offer maximum softness and comfort. They are the real heart of KARA products.

Bespoke Fine Stockings Made In Turkey

If you are looking for a world-class hosiery producer for your label, then go to one of the leading - Kara Hosiery. We are here to help you create tights and stockings in your choice of colours, patterns and design. We can produce hosiery in a choice of denier, textured or smooth, with or without gussets, seam or seamless and any other ideas you have for your collection. We can provide packaging to your specification and semi-finished items to fill your requirements.

Hosiery From KARA Produced Exclusively For Your Label

Our team at Kara Hosiery is very experienced and is happy to help you expand your collection of hosiery. Contact us so we can talk through your requirements, with our innovative approach we can fill most orders with ease. We have the newest technology and best machinery ready to make the tights and stockings you want. Give your customers the highest quality hosiery and choose KARA HOSIERY !

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